Geothermal energy technology allows a heat exchange thanks to a probe that is inserted into a deep hole in the ground, up to about 100/150 meters deep. This probe extracts underground thermal energy and transports it into a building. The earth below our feet provides us with an unlimited amount of free, renewable, and environmentally friendly energy 365 days a year.
Even at a depth of 15 meters, the earth’s subsurface has a constant temperature throughout the year, which in Italy corresponds to 12-15°C. Consequently, it’s an ideal location for low-enthalpy systems. The most common type of geothermal system exploits the probes that penetrate the ground through “geothermal wells.” We determine the number of heat wells needed based on your needs and the performance of the subsurface in terms of the heat it gives out.
Idraulica Cortonese partners with leading firms in the field of geothermal energy to execute preliminary surveys to determine thermal conductivity for the installation of such a system.
The benefits that come with a geothermal system are numerous:
the source of energy is always available and unlimited;
it offers high yields with very low electricity consumption;
it provides both heating and cooling with a single system;
it does not pollute;
and it significantly reduces maintenance costs. (There is no annual boiler overhaul, no chimney to clean, no chimney and boiler room needed, and no tank to store fuel).
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